Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future (2021)

National Academies Press: OpenBook

Chapter: A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education

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Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education

We call on policy makers to embrace a national vision for science education that can guide efforts across the country to create the conditions for elementary and secondary schools, and postsecondary institutions to provide better, more equitable science education for all students. Our vision is that every student experiences the joy, beauty, and power of science, learns how science can be used to solve local and global problems, sees the pathways they can take into science-related careers, and feels welcomed and valued in science classrooms. Providing high-quality science learning experiences is the core of this vision. The good news is that research and experience provide a clear picture of what high-quality science education can and should look like.

Our vision is that every student experiences the joy, beauty and power of science, learns how science can be used to solve local and global problems, sees the pathways they can take into science-related careers, and feels welcomed and valued in science classrooms.

High-Quality Science Teaching and Learning

To provide high-quality teaching and learning in science, our nation, states, and communities must reframe the way they think about students from kindergarten through college. Students do not learn best by passively soaking up bits of information and then regurgitating it through multiple-choice tests and other simple measures designed to assess factual knowledge [12]. Rather, from the earliest ages,

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

children and youth are actively working to make sense of the world. They are capable of asking questions, gathering data, evaluating evidence, and generating new insights, just as professional scientists do [13].

Currently, however, far too many students at all levels are learning science by reading about it in a textbook, sitting back and passively listening to lectures, and memorizing disconnected facts [14, 15, 16, 17]. These approaches leave many students bored and asking a question that is far too often uttered in American schools: “What does science have to do with my life?” Worse, too many students perceive science as inaccessible, as a discipline consigned to an elite few who are willing to persist in a system that uses antiquated instructional practices. Worse still, lacking role models, students of color may not consider science as a potential career. The end result is that our nation ends up retaining a few and weeding out many—a practice that results in substantial inequities and an American citizenry of science “haves” and science “have-nots” [18].


Our vision for science classrooms is informed by what is known about how students learn, regardless of where they are on the education continuum. In K-12 education, the evidence about learning and teaching science has been brought together in the Framework for K-12 Science Education [14] developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and its partners. The Framework outlines the core competencies in science and emphasizes that students learn and become proficient in science when they are active participants using the tools and practices of science. (See Box 3 for more information about the Framework.)

If a person wants to learn to play the trumpet, they need to blow air into it, figure out how to position their lips on the mouthpiece, and what valves to press to produce the right sounds. They need to experiment and discover, not read about trumpet playing in a book. The same applies to learning science. Reading about science in a book, listening to someone talk about it, or memorizing key terms will not get the job done.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.


The Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas [15] catalyzed an ongoing transformation of elementary and secondary science education across the United States. The Framework provides guidance for improving science education that builds on previous national standards for science education and reflects research-based advances in learning and teaching science.


As of April 2020, 44 states and the District of Columbia had developed and adopted science standards that are informed by or directly based on the Framework. This represents approximately 70 percent of K-12 public school students.

The vision for science education outlined in the Framework differs in important ways from how science has traditionally been taught. It emphasizes engaging students in using the tools and practices of science and engineering and providing them with opportunities to explore phenomena and problems that are relevant to them and to their communities.

For example, elementary students in classrooms that reflect the vision of the Framework might explore what happens to the garbage from their school cafeteria. This may begin with students investigating their questions about why garbage smells so bad. Over the course of a unit, they will have opportunities to explore bigger issues such as what happens to the large amounts of garbage schools, homes, and communities make each day. Through their investigations and discussions, students learn to explain how microbes break down food, what a gas is, and why plastics do not decompose in the same way as organic material. They will even have the tools to think about how communities can better manage the garbage they produce (see for more details).

Similarly, middle school students may pursue the question of why a dropped cell phone sometimes results in a shattered screen and sometimes does not. Students’ questions about the factors that result in a shattered cell phone screen lead them to investigate what is really happening to any object during a collision. They conduct experiments and record what happens when different kinds of objects collide. They create diagrams, mathematical models, and system models to explain the effects of relative forces, mass, speed, and energy in collisions. They then use what they have learned about collisions to engineer something that will protect a fragile object from damage in a collision. They investigate which materials to use, gather design input from stakeholders to refine the criteria and constraints, develop micro and macro models of how their solution is working, and optimize their solution based on data from investigations (see for more details).

Science educators, professional organizations, non-profits, and philanthropic organizations have been devoting countless hours and resources to making the vision of the Framework a reality. Their efforts are providing a growing compendium of resources for curriculum, professional development, and assessment many of which are freely available online. There are also many local, regional, and national networks of science educators who are supporting each other in vibrant communities of practice as they work to implement high-quality science learning and teaching in their classrooms. Our call to action can build on and accelerate these efforts.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

In the same way, students across elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education need opportunities to do the things that scientists do: pose questions, carry out investigations, analyze data, draw evidence-based conclusions, and communicate results in various ways. They need to engage with scientific phenomena and, as scientists do, debate with peers to develop the conceptual understanding of science that leads to factual understanding as well [13, 14, 15]. (See Box 4 for more information about high-quality postsecondary science.)

Science should also be meaningful and relevant to students so that they no longer ask, “What does this have to do with my life?” In the classrooms we envision, students will be able to make connections between the experiences they have in their homes and communities and the content they are learning in science [14]. When educators limit science teaching to a set of facts to be memorized, they subvert students’ natural inclination to grapple with problems that are real to them. Meaningful science experiences that provide opportunities for students to explore questions they are passionate about foster the development of critical thinking and scientific skills, reinforce that science is relevant to students’ daily lives, and inspire them to consider science-related fields as career paths.

A Well-Prepared, Diverse Science Teaching Workforce

Teachers of science at all levels are the key to fulfilling a vision for high-quality, engaging, active, student-centered learning. To implement a vision of better, more equitable science education, teachers of science need to be fluent in the subject matter they teach and fluent in the pedagogy of effective science instruction, including how to promote the success of culturally and linguistically diverse students in the context of science [19]. Effective teachers of science understand that their job is not merely to impart knowledge but rather provide opportunities for students to build their knowledge through problem solving and experimentation. In their classrooms, students learn by doing. Teachers play a key role as facilitators of small teams of student scientists working to conduct investigations, gather evidence, and discuss and debate with teammates what conclusions they can draw from the evidence. They know how to set up open-ended investigations through which students may arrive at and debate different conclusions that are always based on logical reasoning, evidence, and analysis. They recognize that communication in all forms is an essential part of science, and that in addition to teaching science, they are building critical communication skills. Their teaching is grounded in the belief that every student can succeed in the science classroom and it is their job to support those who are struggling.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.


Faculty, instructors, education researchers, and directors of Centers for Teaching and Learning have been devoting countless hours and resources to transforming undergraduate STEM education [83, 84, 85]. They are working to help faculty and others who teach postsecondary students adopt a more inclusive evidenced based approach to their teaching. They are working locally on campuses and nationally through diverse networks focused on a particular discipline (such as physics, biology or geosciences) or approach (such as course based undergraduate research or higher quality instructional resources) that can make instruction engaging to a wide variety of learners [86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91]. Our call to action can leverage and accelerate these efforts. It can lead to more students engaged in relevant rewarding science learning experiences in which they lead discussions, analyze case studies, learn as a team, and problem solve in the process of learning scientific principles and practices.


For example, Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman of Pasadena City College uses activities, materials, and assessments developed by InTeGrate for a nonmajors course in Physical Geology [92]. Her community college students study efforts to improve crop yields to support growing populations in areas where current agricultural practices are not sustainable. The unit culminates in a summative assessment that asks students to create a fact sheet that describes local soil properties required for plant fertility, the relationship between potential climate changes and soil erosion rates, and ultimately to make recommendations for specific agriculture practices that will make soil sustainable, while taking into account the needs of farmers. Throughout the module, students engage in active learning, including think/pair/share activities during which two students work together to produce brief answers to prompts related to reading assignments or other content; small-group work to record observations and think critically about soil samples in response to well-crafted questions; and whole-group discussion designed to foster debate and consensus-building around key issues related to soil, erosion, and agriculture.

Effective teaching practice does not come about by accident. It is the result of providing teachers with opportunities to learn throughout their teaching careers [16, 19]. This includes knowledge of science, an initial foundation in effective student-centered pedagogy in science, and culturally and linguistically responsive practice, even for teachers of science in higher education. To continue to build on this initial foundation, all teachers of science across K-16 need ample opportunities to engage in ongoing professional learning focused specifically on science pedagogy, and to participate in professional communities in which members observe each other’s practice and provide feedback, solve problems together, and refine classroom activities and units.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

We envision a K-16 education system that prioritizes and values the quality of science teaching and recognizes teachers of science at all levels as professionals. In this vision, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary teachers of science feel supported by their institutional leaders who advocate for their ongoing learning and recognize its importance. This is especially important in postsecondary education where professional demands and reward structures may not emphasize teaching. Teachers from groups that are underrepresented among science teachers—Black, Latino/a, and Indigenous teachers across K-16 and women in some postsecondary institutions [20, 21, 22, 23] —will feel welcome and valued, with the result that there is a diverse body of science educators who look more like America. This also means that more students have the opportunity to connect with science teachers who look like them.

Supportive Pathways Through Science

Students’ opportunities to learn science by doing science need to continue across K-12 and into their postsecondary experiences. As they move into high school and college, they will need expanded opportunities to learn science through internships, apprenticeships, and foundational research experiences [24].

In our vision, students who are interested in pursuing science or STEM-related careers have clear pathways to follow and encounter few barriers transitioning between different institutions [16]. Higher education makes it a priority to broaden opportunity for populations of students underrepresented in STEM professions and produces science and engineering graduates of all races and ethnicities in at least proportion to their percentage share of the American population. (See Box 5 for an example of the pathways taken by a life-saving scientist.)

In this vision, all students finishing postsecondary programs or degrees leave understanding even more deeply than they did upon high school graduation how science and scientific thinking are relevant to their careers and lives. Those receiving STEM degrees are specialists in their area of interest, prepared to succeed in the workforce, or pursue post baccalaureate degrees after participating in rigorous, relevant, student-centered coursework and undergraduate research opportunities.

If the nation fulfills this vision and extends the opportunity for a high-quality science education to all, the question, “What does science have to do with my life?” should disappear from the lexicon of students. America will thrive as a nation of science “haves.”

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.


Of Kizzmekia Corbett and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, says, “The vaccine you are going to be taking was developed by an African American woman, and that is just a fact.” Corbett is a 35-year-old immunologist and lead scientist for coronavirus research at the National Institutes of Health.


In collaboration with Moderna, Corbett’s lab designed a vaccine for COVID-19 in just 2 days after receiving genomic sequence for the virus from Chinese scientists. A mere 66 days after the genetic code of the virus was identified, including a period during which Corbett designed and led tests of the vaccine on animals, the National Institutes of Health and Moderna began clinical trials on humans.

The rapid development of the vaccine was in large part due to Corbett’s prior research on immune responses to coronaviruses. The 6-year effort and the knowledge it engendered allowed her lab to develop the vaccine at a record rate. To put this achievement in perspective, 4 years was the previous record for vaccine development, from the isolation of the Mumps virus in the 1960s to approval [93].

Corbett grew up in rural North Carolina and went to an elementary school in an area surrounded by soybean and tobacco farms. Her fourth-grade teacher recognized her talent and insisted to her mother that she was special and should attend advanced reading and math classes: “She had so much knowledge. She knew something about everything.” She became a high school math whiz and while a high school sophomore she joined Project SEED, a program for low-income students and students of color. As a member of the program, she did research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Corbett went on to attend the University of Maryland—Baltimore County as an undergraduate and Meyerhoff Scholar. The Meyerhoff Scholars Program aims to increase diversity in science, technology, and engineering among those who plan to earn doctorates in the field. At the university, Corbett earned a scholarship to do undergraduate research on syncytial virus, an upper respiratory disease that is serious for the elderly and infants. She went on to earn an undergraduate degree in biological sciences with a secondary major in sociology and then a doctorate in microbiology and immunology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to leading a team that focuses on coronavirus vaccines and novel therapeutic antibodies, she has also devoted many years to developing a universal influenza vaccine and has studied dengue fever.

Corbett has also been working as an advocate for COVID-19 vaccinations, especially in communities of color. She has been meeting virtually with church groups to discuss the importance of getting vaccinated and to respond to questions and concerns, explaining science in what she says is a digestible way. She says that it is important in churches to “have something scientifically broken down … by someone who also believes in God. It’s not about what you’re saying, it's about how you relate to the people you’re saying it to.”

SOURCE: Case developed based on stories in Nature, The Washington Post, CBS News, and UNC Health Talk [93, 94, 95, 96].

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

Suggested Citation:"A Vision for Better, More Equitable Science Education." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26152.

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Scientific thinking and understanding are essential for all people navigating the world, not just for scientists and other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals. Knowledge of science and the practice of scientific thinking are essential components of a fully functioning democracy. Science is also crucial for the future STEM workforce and the pursuit of living wage jobs. Yet, science education is not the national priority it needs to be, and states and local communities are not yet delivering high quality, rigorous learning experiences in equal measure to all students from elementary school through higher education.

Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future articulates a vision for high quality science education, describes the gaps in opportunity that currently exist for many students, and outlines key priorities that need to be addressed in order to advance better, more equitable science education across grades K-16. This report makes recommendations for state and federal policy makers on ways to support equitable, productive pathways for all students to thrive and have opportunities to pursue careers that build on scientific skills and concepts. Call to Action for Science Education challenges the policy-making community at state and federal levels to acknowledge the importance of science, make science education a core national priority, and empower and give local communities the resources they must have to deliver a better, more equitable science education.