National in scope, this treatise offers an in-depth exploration of the statutory and regulatory environment that is outside of and surrounds the franchise contract.
Publisher: LexisNexis Canada Publication Language: English Published: November 24, 2023 ISBN/ISSN: 9780433530305 Publisher: LexisNexis Canada One Year Subscription Only Notify me when I need to update in future (no Automatic Shipments) Automatic Renewal of Annual Subscription Keep my subscription up to date (Automatic Shipments) One Year Subscription Only Terms Automatic Renewal termsSubscribers receive the product(s) listed on the Order Form and any Updates made available during the annual subscription period. Shipping and handling fees are not included in the annual price. Subscribers are advised of the number of Updates that were made to the particular publication the prior year. The number of Updates may vary due to developments in the law and other publishing issues, but subscribers may use this as a rough estimate of future shipments. Subscribers may call Customer Support at 800-833-9844 for additional information. Subscribers may cancel this subscription by: calling Customer Support at 800-833-9844; emailing; or returning the invoice marked 'CANCEL'. If subscribers cancel within 30 days after the product is ordered or received and return the product at their expense, then they will receive a full credit of the price for the annual subscription. If subscribers cancel between 31 and 60 days after the invoice date and return the product at their expense, then they will receive a 5/6th credit of the price for the annual subscription. No credit will be given for cancellations more than 60 days after the invoice date. To receive any credit, subscriber must return all product(s) shipped during the year at their expense within the applicable cancellation period listed above.
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Who Should Read This Book
Franchise Law in Canada, 2nd Edition aims to be the go-to resource on franchise law that provides corporate/commercial, litigation and franchise lawyers, in-house counsel, students, judges, franchisors and franchisees with the comprehensive, up-to-date information they need to navigate the statutory framework.
Stephanie Sugar, J.D., LL.M., is a partner at McCarthy Tétrault LLP, practising with the Firm’s Retail and Consumers Industry group focusing on a broad range of corporate and commercial matters, including franchise law and class actions defence. She has been counsel on cases before the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and all levels of Ontario’s Courts.
Stephanie received her JD from the University of Western Ontario in 2012, and an LLM in 2016. Her graduate work focused on the developing tension between class actions law and private law theory, and the interaction between law and policy. She maintains a particular academic interest in the developing areas of consumer protection, including the areas of franchising and class actions.
Stephanie has worked as a Sessional Lecturer at Queen’s University and Western University, teaching Class Actions and Advanced Contracts. She has spoken at conferences and written a number of articles and blogs on a variety of legal topics, and received numerous awards for her contributions to her law school community and achievements in academics.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Evolution of Franchise Law
2.1 A Brief History of Franchising
2.2 Introducing Legislation Across Canada
2.3 Aims and Purpose of Franchise Legislation
2.4 Essential Components of the Acts
2.5 Québec
2.6 The Common Law Franchise Relationship
Chapter 3: The Franchise Relationship
3.1 What is a Franchise?
3.2 Broad Scope of “Franchise Agreements”
3.3 Parties in the Franchise Relationship
3.4 The Nature of the Franchise Relationship
3.5 Exempt Relationships and Arrangements
Chapter 4: Disclosure Obligations
4.1 The Purpose of Disclosure
4.2 Pre-Contractual Disclosure
4.3 Form and Timing of Pre-Contractual Disclosure
4.4 Statements of Material Change
4.5 Exemptions From Disclosure Requirements
4.6 Ongoing Disclosure Requirements
4.7 Fatal Flaws
Chapter 5: The Duty of Fair Dealing
5.1 What is the Duty of Fair Dealing?
5.2 Content of the Duty
5.3 When the Duty is Breached
Chapter 6: Right of Association
6.1 What is the Right to Associate?
6.2 Interference with the Right
Chapter 7: Rights of Action and Remedies
7.1 Goals of Statutory Rights and Remedies
7.2 No Waiver of Rights
7.3 Forms of Dispute Resolution
7.4 Statutory Rights of Rescission
7.5 Statutory Claims For Damages
7.6 Ensuring Fair Dealing
Chapter 8: Other Elements of Franchise Contracts
8.1 Entire Agreement Clauses
8.2 Restrictive Covenants
8.3 Injunctions
8.4 Vicarious Liability
Appendix: Table of Concordance of Statutory Provisions
Table of Cases