Write-n-Cite is an add-on for Microsoft Word that enables you to run a simplified version of RefWorks inside of Word. Write-n-Cite enables you to access and cite your references while working in Word, even if you are currently offline.
When installing Java, you must not install the Ask.com browser toolbar. If you have installed the toolbar, you must remove it.
Write-n-Cite is no longer available for new installations
The preferred writing tool for Word is RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM). You can find more information installing RCM here. More information about RCM can be found here.
For information about upgrading from WnC to RCM, click here.
When you open Microsoft Word, if you did not log out after your last session, you are still logged in. If not, select Log In from the RefWorks ribbon to log in to RefWorks. If someone else was logged into this instance of Word, select Switch Accounts to log out and log back into your account.
If you intend to continue using Write-n-Cite to manage citations in this document, we strongly recommend that you save a copy of your document before converting to plain text, as it cannot be undone.
To add or edit an inline citation:Some options depend on the citation style. For example, adding or hiding page numbers works only for styles with page numbers.
To insert a bibliography:To insert a bibliography that includes all Write-n-Cite managed entities in your document, select Bibliography Options > Insert Bibliography .