If you cannot register due to a hold on your account, you can check for holds in your eSIS account. If you log-in to your eSIS account, on the top right of the home page there will be a box that says "Holds." In this box it will list any holds on your account you may have. If you do not know how to take care of a hold, you should contact the department or office the hold is dealing with.
Senior: 90+ credits
Junior: 60 - 89.0 credits
Sophomore: 30 - 59.9 credits
Freshman: 0 - 29.9 credits
*** Your current credit load will NOT be included in your total credits to determine your academic level
Lecture: 1 hour/week = 1 credit
Lab: 2 or 3 hours/week = 1 credit
Discussion: 1 hour/week = 1 credit
Online: 14 hours/semester = 1 credit
Student contact hours for a 100 percent face to face section requires 740 minutes of class time for each credit, plus a minimum of 1480 minutes of out-of-class work or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Equivalent work can be defined as any other activities established by UWRF including: distance/online education, mixed face to face/hybrid, studios, co-op experiences, internships, laboratory work, education abroad, directed independent work or any other academic work leading to the awarding of credit hours. The full policy regarding student contact hours please see Chapter 9.2.2 of the Faculty Senate Handbook .
15 - GIS certificate
30+ - Mixed Instruction Mode
39 - Test Out (Modern Language and Math)
40 - ITV
45 - Wisconsin in Scotland
50 - English Test Out
50's -Outreach Book Study (TED 695)
55 - Experience China
60's and 100's - Dual Academic Credit Program
65 - Hudson Center
70 - Study Tour Abroad
75 - International Traveling Classroom
76 - International Traveling Classroom
80 - ZISU Courses
90+ -Online
95 - Alliance