How do I know if an earning claim is true?
An earning claim must be real and factual. Please continue reading for additional guidance.
How do I know if an earnings claim is typical?
An earnings claim is typical if it’s determined that almost all doTERRA Wellness Advocates can expect to experience the same thing. For example, all Wellness Advocates can expect to receive LRP points. However, not all Wellness Advocates can expect to earn considerable amounts of money without putting in the effort. (See the Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary for typical results.)
What are some examples of how I could use the disclaimer?
A disclaimer should be used after any earnings claims. For example, if you’re creating a presentation to use in a class to explain the doTERRA business opportunity, make sure you include the disclaimer on any slide that presents information on earnings. Another example is on social media. Remember to include an opportunity and earnings disclaimer on relevant posts.
“This illustration is for educational purposes only and isn’t intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Success in this business requires hard work, dedication, and sales skills. For more information, please see the doTERRA Income Disclosure Statement at”
What do doTERRA products do?
Generally speaking, doTERRA products work with the body to help maintain and support healthy bodily responses. Pure essential oils can offer powerful natural solutions for many situations you encounter in daily life. Try using them as part of a soothing massage or to create an uplifting, relaxing, or energized atmosphere. Many essential oils are also excellent for green cleaning and natural living.
Can I share how doTERRA products helped me?
Yes! Please share your story. However, when sharing a product or business opportunity testimonial, make sure to be truthful, follow company product claims, and keep the message positive. Before and after photos can be misleading unless there’s consistency: lighting, clothing, background, makeup, clarity of resolution, body positioning, and expression. Before and after pictures can’t contrast unwell to well conditions. Remember, doTERRA products support the body’s natural response and don’t treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
Video testimonial scripts should be submitted to the company for approval before filming. In all cases, use the FDA disclaimer. To ask questions or submit a testimonial to ensure it’s compliant, contact Compliance.
Are Wellness Advocates in all countries regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
Only US Wellness Advocates are regulated by the FDA. However, all countries have similar agencies. Wellness Advocates in all markets are expected to use approved wellness language when publishing about doTERRA online.
Are doctors held to the same standards?
All medical professionals are required to follow these same guidelines.
How do I answer noncompliant questions in Facebook groups or other social media platforms? (For example, “What do I use for strep throat?”)
doTERRA products aren’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. When you see a question like this on your page, please remove the question. You can then personally address the individual who asked the question, using the approved claims of doTERRA essential oils. Don’t make disease claims.
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed right now, that’s okay. It’s normal to experience a learning curve with compliance. Fortunately, multiple resources are available to help you! With time and practice, you’ll find staying compliant will become natural to you.
Product Information Pages
A great way to learn what claims you can make about specific products is through the Product Information Page (PIP). There’s a PIP for every doTERRA product, and they’re easy to find at the bottom left of the corresponding product page on (via link). Every PIP has a bullet list of primary benefits uses. If you want to know what you can discuss about a particular product, check out its PIP.
Discover Solutions
Discover Solutions is another fabulous resource. It’s a portion of the doTERRA website entirely dedicated to product education. On Discover Solutions, you can find education pages for specific essential oils, as well as general wellness topics like sleep, kids, exercise, toxic load, and personal care. Discover Solutions is located on “Discover” > “Product Education” > “Discover Solutions.” You can also find helpful articles on the doTERRA blog.
Do I need to be compliant if I promote essential oils and don’t include doTERRA trademarks?
Yes, Wellness Advocates need to use compliant language when talking about essential oils. Avoid noncompliant product claims and misleading earnings and opportunity claims. You can find examples of compliant language in doTERRA-produced materials.
What’s my doTERRA business site ( How do I set it up?
Your free business site allows you to manage your orders online, market your business to others (link generator), and view your team’s monthly growth and progress. Visit to enroll in your free account. There, you’ll be able to activate your page and find your personal shopping experience—along with your office settings, which include your personal dashboard; your team’s information, stats, and resources; your “My Office” settings; and Wellness Advocate services.
Your business link can be shared on social media or personal websites.
May I provide recommendations for improving and enhancing the replicated websites?
Yes. Please send any suggestions, ideas, or recommendations to your account manager. We value your feedback and will make sure your recommendations are passed along to our web and marketing teams. (If you don’t have an account manager, contact Member Services.)
When someone posts a compliant photo on social media and people in the comments asks where they can buy the pictured product, may I respond with a link to my doTERRA replicated website?
May I market my website, blog, Vimeo, or YouTube channel as “doTERRA”?
While you can promote doTERRA and your doTERRA business on social media, avoid making it seem like you’re affiliated with doTERRA corporate when creating your profiles name. Feel free to post images of doTERRA products and talk about your business.
Can I use “CPTG ® ” or “Certified Pure Tested Grade ® ” in my online marketing?
Yes, company trademarks can be used on company-approved sales aids. This can be on a brochure, website, social media platform, and more. For more questions, please reach out to the Compliance team.
Is YouTube treated like social media or a static website?
YouTube is a digital social media platform. doTERRA trademarks can be used in a video that’s compliant and doesn’t make disease claims or misleading income claims.
May I use anything published by doTERRA on my social media pages?
Yes, we encourage you to repost doTERRA published information about essential oils on your own social media platforms. All doTERRA posts will use approved claims and will be a great example of how to share doTERRA. However, please review the comments others may make about your post to ensure they’re also using compliant language. Quickly delete any noncompliant posts.
What do I do about old social media posts that aren’t compliant?
We ask you to go through your social media channels and change or delete old posts that contain noncompliant information.
Can I post photos with doTERRA products in them?
You may still use images and doTERRA terms in posts on social media if your language is compliant.
When I invite people to classes on my personal Facebook page, may I use doTERRA pictures or logos?
Yes. Make sure your invites are using approved wellness language.
May I have “doTERRA Wellness Advocate” in the occupation section on my personal Facebook profile? What about business professional Facebook pages?
Yes, you may list doTERRA Wellness Advocate as your occupation if you have compliant posts on your page.
How do I answer noncompliant questions in Facebook groups or other social media platforms? (For example, “What do I use for strep throat?”)
doTERRA products aren’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. When you see a question like this on your page, please remove the question. You can then personally address the individual who asked the question using the approved claims of doTERRA essential oils. Don’t make disease claims.
May I use a trademark or doTERRA in my profile picture and cover photo on Facebook?
Yes, you can use it in a photo.
May I use the “doTERRA Wellness Advocate” logo or the words?
Yes, you may use “doTERRA Wellness Advocate” on your business cards, in your Facebook posts, on Instagram, in emails, and so on, as long as you’re using compliant language.
Can doTERRA be in my email signature?
Yes, you may keep doTERRA in your signature, as long as the messaging in your email is talking about doTERRA in a compliant way. Your emails may link to your replicated website.
If I’m producing a flyer as a class invitation, may I have “doTERRA” on it?
Yes, you may use doTERRA to create your invites. If you have additional information on the flyer about doTERRA, please make sure you’re using approved wellness language. You may also use doTERRA and trademarks on invites for classes through Facebook or Eventbrite.
Can I make my own sales materials?
Yes, you may also use images of doTERRA products on sales aids with company approval. Whenever you’re publishing doTERRA materials, you’ll want to make sure you stay compliant by using the Quick Claims Guide or any information found on
What can I put on a business card?
You can have the title of doTERRA Wellness Advocate and your replicated website link on your business card.
May I send emails about doTERRA products?
Yes. Remember to always use compliant wellness language when talking about doTERRA products.
May I hold live webinars?
Yes. You may talk about doTERRA, so long as you use approved wellness language and don’t make disease claims about doTERRA products.
If hosting a virtual class, may I use doTERRA pictures during the presentation?
Yes, as long as you only refer to the Quick Claims Guide when talking about product benefits.
If I’m hosting a webinar, may I direct attendees to a website to purchase a specific kit?
Yes. Direct them to your business site.
What do I do if members of another team want to join my team?
The culture at doTERRA is friendly and supportive. There are times when you may meet somebody who feels a stronger connection with you than a current enroller and may want to join your team. The best thing to do when members of other teams approach you about joining your team is encourage them to work with their enroller. Encourage them to contact the doTERRA Compliance department if they have questions on how to switch teams. Don’t encourage those wanting to join your team to go inactive, then join your team, or to join your team through a spouse. This can be classified as recruiting, which isn’t allowed.
How do I join another team?
doTERRA understands things sometimes don’t work out. If you feel you need to leave your current team and join another team, this is only possible by first stepping away from doTERRA for six months or a year, depending on your rank. Once you’ve been completely inactive from doTERRA for the prerequisite amount of time, you may then reactivate your account through the doTERRA Placements department and request an enroller and sponsor change. Please contact the Compliance department with any questions about moving teams.
I just discovered a member of my team opened a second account on another team. What do I do?
There are times when a member of your team doesn’t fully understand the doTERRA policy regarding moving teams. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact the Compliance department, and we’ll be able to resolve this issue.
What do I do when a crossline account is discovered on my downline?
If a member of your downline happened to be enrolled on another team prior to creating a second on your team, contact the Compliance department. We understand mistakes happen and will be able to resolve this issue.
Can I be part of another direct sales company?
Purchasing products from another direct sales company is allowed. However, trying to build another direct sales company in addition to your doTERRA business will lead to cross-company recruiting, which isn’t allowed.
Can someone ask me about another company I represent? Can I talk about it?
Yes, as long as he or she isn’t a doTERRA customer or Wellness Advocate.
What if the other business I represent isn’t a direct sales company?
Cross-company recruiting only applies to other direct sales companies.
I’m a lifestyle coach. Can I teach these classes to my doTERRA downline?
Yes. However, charging for these classes is discouraged and could lead to policy violations.
Can I promote another direct sales company to doTERRA members?
No, this is cross-company recruiting, which isn’t allowed.
Can I combine my doTERRA and other direct sales company on my social media accounts and website?
Combining companies is discouraged as it may lead to cross-company recruiting, which isn’t allowed.
What are some of the core values tied to doTERRA culture?
They include health and wellness, empowerment, generosity, integrity, sustainability, service, purity, quality, diversity and inclusion, innovation, leadership, humility, and gratitude.
How do I foster the doTERRA culture in my team?
Culture is something that develops naturally in an organization over time. It’s a culmination of mindset, decision-making, self-expression, and investment in others. Your team members often watch you and follow your examples. While long-term success in creating culture stems from feeding the mind with positive principles and incorporating learning into leadership practices, you don’t have to wait until you’ve achieved a perfect state of mind before making meaningful changes on your team. In fact, it’s through action that we deepen our understanding of good principles.
Try this! Each month, choose one principle you’d like to emphasize with your team. Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it daily. Learn more about this principle by reading good books, watching online videos, or discussing it with someone you admire who embodies this trait. In your team meetings, mentoring sessions, or wherever you see fit, take the time to talk about this principle with your team members. Share the things you’ve learned and take the opportunity to learn from them too. You may even create a specific challenge around the principle to really put it into action. For example, if the principle is service, you may consider sharing the doTERRA kindness challenge and inviting team members to take a picture of themselves doing one of the acts of kindness and share it with the team.
These things may seem small, but culture is like a powerful lever. The ancient philosopher Archimedes said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Here at doTERRA, our goal is to lift lives across the world. Every small effort we make to build the right culture will lengthen our lever and allow us to lift more lives. Thank you for your commitment to fostering the doTERRA culture in your team!
How does the doTERRA culture fit in with developing the strengths, talents, and personalities that make my team unique?
One of the core tenants of the doTERRA culture is empowerment. Empowering someone doesn’t involve stripping them of their weaknesses or creating cookie-cutter leaders. Empowering someone is recognizing unique and powerful strengths and helping the person develop and apply those traits in new ways. When differing opinions, skills, and backgrounds come together, you may find your team making more thoughtful and suitable decisions. Make the commitment to maintain an environment of respect and open-mindedness on your team. You may find it worthwhile to identify your own strengths and talents in addition to those of your team members. If you’re having a tough time figuring things out, think about what areas of the business get you (or your team members) excited. We often feel the most energized when we maximize our strengths. For additional help, you may want to refer to the doTERRA Empowered You “Strengths Guide.” Once you’ve identified your strengths and your team members’ strengths, you can determine how best to leverage everyone’s strengths to support your goals as a team.
How does culture support my long-term success?
doTERRA is always planning ahead. We invest in the systems and infrastructure we know will support us in the coming years. We invest in our communities of growers to ensure they can continue supplying high-quality products. We plant trees to help with reforestation, even knowing the trees won’t be available to harvest and produce essential oil for 15–20 years. We do all this because doTERRA isn’t looking for short-term success. We want our CPTG ® essential oils to bless the lives of families around the world for years to come.
Likewise, a focus on time-proven principles embodied in doTERRA culture can support your business growth for years to come. This includes actively cultivating the right culture in your team, fostering healthy relationships and mindsets, and making principle-based decisions. While you may be tempted to find shortcuts in growing your business, many shortcuts will hurt your team in the long run. Using good principles will act as a compass. It’ll guide you through difficult situations and help you avoid treacherous terrain that can put your business at risk. Seek business strategies—like those taught in the Empowered Success program—that support stable, organic growth, a solid customer base, and the development of leadership throughout the team.
Can my business own an account?
Yes, a business can own an account. However, members may not have separate business and personal accounts. You may only have one interest in one account.
Can a trust own an account?
Yes. However, the beneficiaries or trustee may not have additional accounts. If you’re the trustee or beneficiary of a trust who owns a doTERRA account, you can’t have a second account in which you have any interest.
What do I do if I have an interest in more than one account?
This sometimes happens. Please contact the Compliance department directly for more information on how to resolve it.
What do I do if my enroller isn’t supporting me?
There are times when Wellness Advocates may feel they aren’t getting the support they need from their enroller. These types of situations can be complicated and even personal in nature. If you feel your enroller isn’t supporting you, please contact the Compliance department. We’ll work with you to ensure you’re being supported.
What if my downline isn’t supporting their downline?
We understand that situations arise when a Wellness Advocate may need to step in and support members of their downline who were enrolled be somebody else. This is always encouraged when needed. If you feel Wellness Advocates on your team aren’t properly supporting members of their team regularly, please contact the Compliance team.
What do I do if a member of a member of my team decides to go inactive or disengage from doTERRA?
First, try to reengage your team member. Get this person excited about new products or upcoming events. After some time, if the team member still inactive, contact Compliance to discuss the situation.
What do I do if a member of my team doesn’t consistently place a loyalty order?
There are many reasons this might happen, whether for financial reasons or simple forgetfulness. It could also be a lack of understanding of the doTERRA Compensation Plan. Whatever the reason, discuss this issue with members of your team with compassion and understanding. Be encouraging and supportive.
What do I do if a member of my team dies?
First, extend compassion and patience throughout the transfer or suspension process. Don’t rush to replace or suspend the account. When enough time has passed, work with the surviving family to decide what’s best for that account.
How do I close a deceased member’s account?
If you’re the next of kin, successor, or executor of the estate and would like to terminate the account, please send the following items to the Compliance department.
How do I transfer the account?
The next of kin, successor, or executor of the estate may choose to transfer the account. Please send the following items to Compliance.
How do I switch the primary and co-applicant if the deceased member was the primary applicant?
What happens to the commissions on a deceased member’s account?
If you’re the next of kin, successor, or executor of the estate, please follow the steps to terminate the account, transfer it, or switch the co-applicant to the primary account holder. Once you have all the paperwork for the account, contact Compliance about the commissions.
Points Orders
Until the account is either terminated or transferred, the executor of the estate can place necessary orders to verify the account and keep it running. Doing so allows the account to keep the points it’s already earned and continue earning points while the ultimate transfer arrangements are still being finalized.
What if the successor is already a doTERRA member?
In this case, the member will need to choose which account they want to keep and make any necessary transfers. The account that they don’t keep will need to be disposed of through an account transfer or account suspension. For more information, visit the Placements Support Center at or contact Placements for an exception at
I have a doTERRA account, and my new spouse has a separate account from before we got married. What will happen to our accounts?
To combine your accounts, you’ll need to submit the forms listed below. The person with the account who has achieved the highest rank is considered the primary applicant, and the person with the account at a lower rank will be the co-applicant.
How do I change the name on my account?
To change the name on your doTERRA account, please submit the following documents.
How do I remove a co-applicant from my account?
If you wish to remove a co-applicant from the account in the case of a divorce, please submit the following documents.
How do I switch the primary and co-applicant on my account?
If the co-applicant needs to be switched to be the primary applicant, please submit the following forms.