Understanding Federal Pesticide Recordkeeping

AMS administers the Federal Pesticide Recordkeeping Program, which requires all certified private pesticide applicators to keep records of their use of federally restricted use pesticides (RUP) for a period of 2 years.

The Federal Pesticide Recordkeeping Program was authorized by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, commonly referred to as the 1990 Farm Bill. Under this law, all certified private pesticide applicators who have no requirement through State regulations to maintain RUP records must comply with the Federal pesticide recordkeeping regulations. Certified private pesticide applicators who are required to maintain records of RUP applications whose State regulations have been determined comparable to the Federal regulations will continue to keep the records as required by the State. Regulations of the Department of Agriculture pertaining to pesticide recordkeeping are found in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 7 Part 110.

The pesticide recordkeeping regulations require the certified private pesticide applicator to record the following for each restricted use pesticide application, within 14 days of the application:

Spot Treatment Requirements

Spot treatments are especially useful in the control of noxious weeds if you apply restricted use pesticides on the same day in a total area of less than 1/10 of an acre, you are required to record the following:

No standard Federal form is required, so that pesticide recordkeeping can be integrated into the applicator's current recordkeeping systems.

All certified commercial pesticide applicators will continue to maintain the records they currently keep under State, Tribal, or Federal regulations. The Federal pesticide recordkeeping regulations require all commercial applicators, both agricultural and non-agricultural, to furnish a copy of the data elements required by this regulation, to the customer within 30 days of the restricted use pesticide application.

Access to RUP Records